Hi, I'm Mohammad!

I'm a passionate Problem Solver with experience in leadership and engineering and constant drive to learning. Let's connect and share experiences and ideas!

About Me

Get to know me!

Hi, my name is Mohammad and I am a highly ambitious, self-motivated Problem Solver based in Milton, ON.

I learned Python, JavaScript and SQL at Flatiron School in 2023 and have been coding since then. I went farther and learned Next.js and FastAPI to expand my expertise and projects.

I have a wide range of hobbies that keep me busy such as tennis, chess, table tennis and self-development.

I truly believe that I should never stop growing and that's what I strive to do every day. I have a passion for technology and a desire to always push the limits of what is possible. I am excited to see where my career takes me and am looking for new opportunities and working among passionate teams. 🙂

My Skills










Tailwind CSS




VS Code



WriteWell is a blog app for bloggers to share their thought through writing blogs, edit and delete them. The app is built with nextjs for the both frontend and the api and connected with MySQL database deployed that is on AWS RDS. Images are saved on AWS S3 and connected to the database through their URLs.


A digital showcase of my professional journey, highlighting my skills and projects. The app is made with nextjs as the framework and styled with tailwindcss.

GPT-3 Landing Page

A landing page created to describe GPT-3 technology that provides a brief introduction about this modern AI technology. It is a static page that uses react with basic css styling.

Budget Tracker CLI

A Python-based command-line application designed to help you manage your finances and track your expenses easily. This tool utilizes the SQLAlchemy library for database management and provides various features to handle your financial data effectively.
